How to open (and Use) the Spotlight Overview page
The Spotlight Overview page can be opened from Spotlight Client.
The Spotlight Overview page components for Availability Group connections
The components of the Spotlight Overview page are specific to the SQL Server Availability Group architecture.
The status indicator is colored according to the highest raised alarm on the Availability Group connection.
During a planned outage, all controls are disabled except Status. A Monitored Server - Planned Outage alarm is raised against the Status control. For more information, see Configure | Planned Outage.
Synchronization Health
The health rating of the Availability Group is excellent when all nodes are available and the preferred node is primary.
Primary Instance
The name of the node (instance) that is currently primary.
Failover indicator
The current failover availability:
Automatic Failover Available
At least one of the connected secondary nodes is set for automatic failover.
Manual Failover Required
None of the connected nodes are set for automatic failover.
The name of the Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC).
Quorum Rating
The Quorum rating of database availability. The DBA sets the quorum configuration in the SQL Server Management Studio. The Quorum rating determines the number of node failures that the cluster can sustain.
Replicas grid
Use this grid to show data for each node in the Availability Group.
- One node takes the Primary role. Usually all other nodes have a Secondary role. If a node’s role is Resolving then that node may be down.
- The failover mode for each node is configured by the DBA in the SQL Server Management Studio.
- When the failover mode is set to manual an accompanying icon
highlights that manual failover is required. When no failover is available this icon is red.
- Synchronization Health is indicative of the health of the node. A warning is shown for a partially healthy node. An error is shown for an unhealthy node. For the health of the Availability Group as a whole see Synchronization Health at the top of the Spotlight Overview page.
- The availability mode is Synchronous or Asynchronous Commit as configured by the DBA in the SQL Server Management Studio.
- The node with the primary role is always Connected. Nodes with a secondary role in a Connected state are available for connection. Nodes with a secondary role in a Disconnected state are not available for connection.
- The backup priority is a numeric value between 1 and 100 configured by the DBA in the SQL Server Management Studio.
- The read only routing URL is not the endpoint URL. Read-only routing refers to the ability of SQL Server to route qualifying read-only connection requests to an available Always On readable secondary replica.
- The READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL = ‘TCP://system-address:port’ where the system address is a string such as a system name, a fully qualified domain name, or an IP address, that unambiguously identifies the destination computer system. The port is a port number that is used by the Database Engine of the SQL Server instance.
Databases grid
Use this grid to show data for each database in the Availability Group.
- Failover readiness indicates whether or not there will be data loss on failover. If there will be data loss then check the Synchronization state. The database on this node could be behind time: in the process of synchronizing (Synchronizing) or Not Synchronized.
- The Database State shows an error for databases in Suspect or Emergency states. It shows a warning for any other state that is not Online.
- The LSN values refer to the Log Sequence Number.