How to open the Support Services drilldown

From the Spotlight Client

  1. Select the connection from the left Connections pane.
  2. Click Monitor | Support Services from the ribbon.
    Support Services drilldown for SQL Server

Run this script to grant permissions to TrustedUser

Run the following SQL script (as sysadmin) to grant the required permissions to user TrustedUser. Note the comment lines at the end of the script and un-comment as appropriate for your environment.

USE [master]


GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT VIEW ANY DEFINITION TO [Domainname\username];



ALTER SERVER ROLE processadmin ADD MEMBER [Domainname\username];

GRANT VIEW ANY DATABASE TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT VIEW ANY definition to [Domainname\username];

GRANT VIEW server state to [Domainname\username];

GRANT ALTER TRACE TO [Domainname\username];

USE [msdb]


GRANT EXECUTE ON msdb.dbo.rds_backup_database TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT EXECUTE ON msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT EXECUTE ON msdb.dbo.rds_task_status TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT EXECUTE ON msdb.dbo.rds_cancel_task TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT SELECT ON dbo.sysjobs TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT SELECT ON dbo.sysjobhistory TO [Domainname\username];

GRANT SELECT ON msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity TO [Domainname\username];

EXECUTE          sp_addrolemember N'SQLAgentUserRole' , N'[Domainname\username]';


About the Support Services drilldown

SQL Agent Jobs page

Investigate jobs that are defined, their current status and the latest execution message.

SQL Agent Jobs grid

Lists all SQL Server Agent Jobs that are defined in this server and their current status.

Failed jobs are highlighted with a red “X” icon, successfully completed jobs are shown with a green “check” icon, and jobs that are currently running are shown with a blue “!” icon.

To start a job from the grid, select the job and click Start Job. Membership of the Spotlight Diagnostic Administrators group is required to perform this operation.

Job History grid

Shows the execution messages for each step in a job. Job messages may not be available for all jobs.

SQL Agent Jobs Status chart

Shows the status of jobs over time, making it easy to determine when a job ran, and when it succeeded or failed.

When a job runs, Spotlight adds it to this chart (Running), identifying the time it started.

When the job finishes, Spotlight checks the completion status (Success or Failure) and changes the color of the job accordingly, making it easy to see exactly when a job started and ended.

Full Text Search page

Shows performance details for all full-text indexes on the server. In full-text indexing, a separate catalog is maintained that indexes each word in a database field as a separate index entry.

If some of the details are incomplete for all of the rows, the Full Text Search Service may not be running. Check the Services Status grid on the Service Status page to confirm this.