Working the grid
List of current and archived error logs
Use this list to choose the error log whose details you want to view in the Error Log grid below.
By default, Spotlight Enterprise retrieves the first log in the list above the grid, if the log is less than 1MB in size. If the log is larger than 1MB, Spotlight will not retrieve it unless you click Refresh. Retrieving large error logs can impose significant load on the server.
Click Refresh to view the error log selected in the list.
Max records
For performance reasons, Spotlight Enterprise limits the number of records that can be viewed in this page. By default, it will show the last 500 records that have been logged. To change the number of records, enter a value in the Max Records field above the SQL Server Error Log grid and then click Refresh.
Error Log Scanning
Click Error Log Scanning to define and edit the alert rules that Spotlight scans the SQL Server Error Log for.
Error Log grid
This displays details of the errors logged in the file chosen via the list at the top of the page. The columns in the grid are:
The date and time that the specified error was logged.
Process Info
The source of the entry in the error log.
A brief description of the error.