Primary Server
Name of the primary instance in the log shipping configuration.
Primary Database
Name of the primary database in the log shipping configuration.
Backup Source Directory
Directory where transaction log backup files from the primary server are stored.
Monitor Server
Name of the instance being used as a monitor server in the log shipping configuration.
Last Copied Date
Date and time of the last copy operation to the secondary server.
Secondary Database
Name of the secondary database in the log shipping configuration.
Restore Delay
Amount of time that the secondary server will wait before restoring a given backup file. The default is 0 minutes.
Last Restored Date
Date and time of the last restore operation on the secondary database.
Secondary Server
Name of the secondary instance in the log shipping configuration.
Last Restored Latency
Amount of time that elapsed between the log backup being created on the primary and when it was restored on the secondary.
History Retention Period
Amount of time that log shipping history records are retained for the secondary database before being deleted.
Copy Job Enabled
Whether copy jobs are enabled.
Restore Job Enabled
Whether restore jobs are enabled.
Backup Destination Directory
Directory on the secondary server where backup files are copied to.
Block Size
Size that is used as the block size for the backup device.
Buffer Count
Total number of buffers used by the backup or restore operation.
Copy Job ID
ID associated with the copy job on the secondary server.
Disconnect Users
If set to Yes, users will be disconnected from the secondary database when a restore operation is performed. The default is No.
File Retention Period
How long a backup file is retained on the secondary server before being deleted.
Last Copied File
Filename of the last backup file copied to the secondary server.
Last Restored File
Filename of the last backup file restored to the secondary database.
Max Transfer Size
Size of the maximum input or output request issued by SQL Server to the backup device.
Monitor Server Security Mode
Security mode used to connect to the monitor server. For example, Windows or SQL Server.
Restore All
If set to Yes, the secondary server will restore all available transaction log backups when the restore job runs. If set to No, it stops after one file has been restored.
Restore Job ID
ID associated with the restore job on the secondary server.
Restore Mode
Restore mode for the secondary database. For example, NORECOVER, STANDBY.
Restore Threshold
Number of minutes allowed to elapse between restore operations before an alert is generated.
Secondary ID
ID for the secondary server in the log shipping configuration.
Threshold Alert
Alert to be raised when the restore threshold is exceeded.
Threshold Alert Enabled
Whether threshold alerts are enabled. For example, Enabled, Disabled, Unknown.