If Spotlight Enterprise is deployed as a federated system of multiple Spotlight Diagnostic Server then follow these steps for best practice to upgrade Spotlight. Make sure all the Spotlight Diagnostic Server and Spotlight Clients in the federation are included in the upgrade process.

Backup first

Backup all Spotlight configuration and saved collection data.

Close all Spotlight Clients

Close all Spotlight Clients connected to the Federation.

Upgrade the Configuration Server

To upgrade the Configuration Server, run the Spotlight Enterprise executable on the Configuration server host.

One Spotlight Diagnostic Server in the federation was selected as the Configuration server. For more information on the Configuration Server, see Configure Operations.

Upgrade all other Spotlight Diagnostic Server in the Federation

Now you have upgraded the Configuration Server, run the Spotlight Enterprise executable on all other Spotlight Diagnostic Server in the federation. Make sure all the Spotlight Diagnostic Server in the federation are included in the upgrade process.

Upgrade all Spotlight Clients in the Federation

Make sure you upgrade all Spotlight Clients in the Federation. For each Spotlight Client in the Federation - run the Spotlight Enterprise executable on the Spotlight Client host to upgrade the Spotlight Client.

If the Spotlight Client and Spotlight Diagnostic Server are running different versions of Spotlight Enterprise, the client will be unable to connect to the Spotlight Diagnostic Server.

Re-open Spotlight Clients

Re-open Spotlight Clients connected to the federation.

Upgrade the Playback Database and Spotlight Statistics Repository

The Playback Database and Spotlight Statistics Repository are automatically upgraded the next time they are accessed by the Spotlight Diagnostic Server.

Frequently Asked Questions

For general questions on upgrading Spotlight, see Upgrade Spotlight Enterprise.