These release notes provide information about the Spotlight Enterprise release.

About this release

Spotlight Enterprise is a powerful database diagnostic and resolution tool. Its unique user interface provides you with an intuitive, visual representation of the activity on a SQL server and other connections. Graphical flows illustrate the rate at which data is moving between server components. Icons display the value of key statistics and alarms. Alarms inform you of bottlenecks and other potential problems. Drilldowns show detailed information on all parts of your monitored connections.

With Spotlight, diagnostic data can be collected continuously, even when Spotlight is not open on the desktop. A Diagnostic Server can perform data collection continuously from a middleware machine, ready for Spotlight to display whenever Spotlight is started on any client interface.

Business benefits include:

  • Data collected and alarms evaluated on a 24x7 basis, even when no Spotlight clients are running.
  • Identical data and alarms provided to all users, providing a consistent view across the enterprise.
  • Diagnostic data is saved in one place (on the Diagnostic Server), avoiding unnecessary replication of data.
  • Diagnostic Server reduces load on databases and operating systems by collecting data once and sharing it between all connected Spotlight clients.
  • Long-term historical data can be stored in a repository for future analysis and planning purposes.
  • Diagnostic Server configuration is centralized and applied to all connections. Individual connections can then be customized as required.
  • Operating System data is collected only once, even if multiple instances are being monitored on that particular host.