Define which Spotlight users are entitled to view which Spotlight connections.

Users who are members of the Spotlight Diagnostic Administrators group can use this screen to assign Spotlight users access privileges to Spotlight connections.

Open this screen from the Spotlight Client

  1. Click Configure | Diagnostic server.
  2. Select Manage access to Spotlight connections.

Select the Diagnostic Server

In a federated environment you can select the Spotlight Diagnostic Server. Connections monitored under that Diagnostic Server will be listed.

Spotlight Users and Spotlight Connections

Select a user from the left column of Spotlight Users. Spotlight connections are listed to the right. Each connection is set to on/off access for the selected Spotlight user.

Manage Access to Spotlight connections

Action on Manage Access to Spotlight connections Administrator User Read-Only
View all users Yes Yes Yes
View all connections  Yes Yes Yes
View which connections are accessible by which users Yes Yes Yes
Search user by username Yes Yes Yes
Search connection by connection name, display name, connection type and tag Yes Yes Yes
Deny the Administrator access to the connection No No No
Allow/Deny connection to User or Read-Only user Yes No No

Permission Precedence

Because an Active Directory user may also be included in Active Directory groups and a Spotlight user may have different roles configured, it is possible for conflicting permission settings to happen.

Here are some rules for resolving permissions conflicts:

  1. “Administrator” role generally takes precedence over “Non Administrator” role.
  2. “Deny” permissions generally take precedence over “Allow” permissions.

For more on Spotlight Diagnostic User Groups, see Spotlight Diagnostic User Groups. For more on Manage access to Spotlight connections known issues, see known issues configuring Spotlight.