Add a custom view
Click Add Custom View to open the New connection view properties dialog.
Add / remove connections from a custom view
Right click on the view. Select Properties to open Connection view properties.
Rename a custom view
Right click on the custom view. Select Rename view.
Delete a custom view
Right click on the custom view. Select Delete view.
Custom views and the Spotlight deployment
Custom views are created in the Spotlight Client and saved with the Spotlight Diagnostic Server. All Spotlight Clients connecting to the Spotlight Diagnostic Server have access to the same custom views.
Where a Spotlight Diagnostic Server is federated, any monitored connection in the federation can be added to any custom view. All Spotlight Clients have access to all custom views in the federation. When a Spotlight Diagnostic Server joins a federation then the custom views from that Spotlight Diagnostic Server will be seen by all Spotlight Clients in the federation. Any two custom views with the same name will be merged into one view. When a Spotlight Diagnostic Server leaves a federation, the custom views will stay with the federation, however any monitored connections connected to the Spotlight Diagnostic Server that has left will no longer be accessible to the federation.